Plan Philly reports that the Fishtown Neighbors Association enthusiastically backed True Hand owner Mike Ski’s requests for variances he will need to turn the church into a combined residence and studio at its monthly meeting last Tuesday night. Ski is purchasing the home from the Church of the Living Word and needs a variance because its zoning forbids mixed uses.
Key Takeaways:
- Tatoo artist seek variances to preserve historic Fishtown Church as a combined live/work space.
- Owner is seeking a variance for mixed use and for performing body art services in the building.
- Owner worked with the local neighborhood to address concerns and get everyone on board.
“Preservation activist Oscar Beisert’s petition to add the Church of the Living Word in Fishtown, which began life as the Fifth Reformed Dutch Church, to the city’s historical register may have failed last fall, but he will have another chance to add it thanks to a savvy tattoo artist.”
Read full article here